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3 Simple Ways to Protect and Treat Damaged Hands

February 08, 2019 2 min read

3 Simple Ways to Protect and Treat Damaged Hands

If you are a hardworking man or woman earning a living performing industrial or mechanical work, you understand that your hands are your money makers. Your hands might arguably be your hardest working, most valuable and most vulnerable body part.

Dry, cracked hands are a common ailment among industrial workers. They are also common among bartenders and even gardeners. Dry hands are scaly and rough to the touch, especially on the back of hands as natural oils don’t typically remain there. Skin on hands become damaged when hands are so dry that the skin is devoid of oils and moisture, causing them to become dry and hard, and eventually crack. This condition may cause bleeding and certainly causes pain.

You can't afford to neglect your hands or allow them to crack or bleed. Here are 3 ways you can show love to your hands:

 1. Wear Gloves

The industrial workplace creates many hazards for hardworking hands. Chemicals, cuts, and burns can cause irreversible damage to hands if not properly protected. Various types of gloves are available so it is necessary to assess the risk for your work and use a glove that provides specialized protection. Not only do gloves protect hands from contact with harsh elements, but they also help to prevent infection.

2. Keep Hands Clean

Using a heavy duty cleaner is necessary for those in the automotive, manufacturing, paint and coating, petrochemical or construction fields. Historically, heavy duty hand cleaners contain pumice and other harsh abrasives as well as toxic and damaging chemicals. Luckily, heavy duty hand cleaning doesn't have to strip hands of natural and protective oils any longer. Heavy duty hand cleaning formulas like Tough Nut take advantage of naturally occurring cleaning abrasives like walnut shells to clean and protect hands. Cleaning hands without the use of damaging chemicals is important for maintaining healthy hands.

3. Pamper Your Hands

Your hands take care of you, so you should take care of your hands. If your hands are already cracked, do not apply lotion. Lotion is not meant to be applied to open wounds and can be very painful. Apply petroleum jelly or anti-bacterial ointment to cracked areas and cover with a Band-Aid. Once covered, apply a thick moisturizing cream to hands. Products that contain pure emollients are best including:

  • Lanolin: Lanolin protects skin from harsh elements and is an excellent product for healing cracks.
  • Jojoba Oil:Jojoba oil is similar to our skin’s natural oils. 
  • Coconut Oil and Shea Butter:These products are excellent for protecting skin from further damage and healing existing damage.
  • Petroleum Jelly: Petroleum jelly protects skin by forming a barrier that prevents moisture from escaping.

Prevention of Damaged Hands is Simple

Don't neglect your most valuable asset- your hands. Focus on these three simple steps for continued hand care.

Tough Nut customers swear by the hand cleaning product. No oily feel, no damaged skin, and no dry hands with Tough Nut

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